Adrian Rohard, led by Peter Wilcock KC (Garden Court Chambers), successfully defend their client in a murder case involving the death of a homeless man in Canterbury.

The jury unanimously acquitted their client of murder and manslaughter within six hours of retiring to consider their verdict. This followed a trial lasting six weeks.
Their client was alleged to have been involved in a joint enterprise involving four defendants three of whom were said by the prosecution to have encouraged multiple attacks by the main defendant, Mr. Sibanda. The prosecution's case was based on a series of actions that occurred before, during, and after the attack on the victim, which took place in a car park in Canterbury, Kent. In defending their client, who consistently maintained he was trying to prevent the attack on the victim, a thorough analysis was conducted of the extensive CCTV footage, forensic evidence, lengthy police interviews, and phone records. The principal legal issue considered during the trial was joint enterprise as well as other related topics.
Adrian and Peter were instructed by Nicola Carter of Tuckers Kent Branch